List of Interceder Encouragers No.1 Revival Quotations - read it
No.2 Is it right to pray for revival? (1) - against those who say it is too late, as judgment has started - read it No.3 Preaching and revival - read it No.4 Is it right to pray for revival? (2) - against those who say that praying for revival is escapism. We just need to evangelize - read it
No.5 How should we pray for revival? - help for us from the ministry of Jesus - read it
No.6 How concerned is the Church in Britain? - read it No.7 Personal revival - read it
No.8 Is it right to pray for revival? (3) - against those who say that the Church must be reformed first before revival is possible - read it No.9 The Purpose, Priority, Prospect, Preparation, Price and Promotion of Revival - read it No.10 Is it right to pray for revival? (4) - against those who say we shouldn’t pray for revival in Britain as the Western world has changed so much that revival in the traditional sense, is not possible - read it No. 11 Transformation Principles (1) - read it No. 12 The Great Abdication (of the Church) - read it No. 13 Is it right to pray for revival? (5) - against those who say that revival is not possible because the world is too sinful and the return of the Lord is near - read it No. 14 Fiji Report - read it No. 15 The Long Process - read it No. 16 The Promptings, Provocations and Promises of Scripture in relation to Revival - read it No.17 The Cost of Revival - read it No.18. Is it right to pray for revival? (6) – against those who say we shouldn’t pray for revival as it is up to God whether or not He sends it - read it No. 19. Is it right to pray for revival? (7)- against those who say we should pray for revival, but it is up to God when or whether He sends it - read it No.20. Brokenness and Blessing (the sighs, groans and tears of believers’ prayers) - read it No.21. The Womb of Revival : Whom does God use to birth revival? - read it No. 22. Canton 2007 Conference Report - read it No. 23. Islam in Britain - what should we do about it? : 1) The problem read it No. 24. Lakeland, Florida, USA - read it No. 25. Lakeland (2) - what lies behind it - read it No. 26. Lakeland (3) - Comparison of Lakeland and the Bible, Answering Objections, and the Testing of the Church - read it No. 27. The State of the Church in the Western World - read it No. 28. The Laying on of Hands and being "slain in the spirit." - read it No. 29. The Sialkot Conventions - read it No. 30. The Prayers of Scripture in relation to Revival - read it No. 31. Defining Revival and Awakening - read it No. 32. The Good Things - read it No. 33. July 18th 2009 - read it No. 34. Seeking The Lord - read it No. 35. Daniel Nash: Prevailing Prince Of Prayer - read it No. 36. Is it right to pray for revival? (8) - against those who say it is all right for others to pray for revival, but they have their own priorities, and can’t fit in praying for revival as well. - read it No. 37. The Hebrides Revival and Awakening 1949-1953 (The Beginning) - read it No. 38. The Hebrides Revival and Awakening 1949-1953 (The Continuation)- read it No. 39. The Hebrides Revival and Awakening 1949-1953 (The Conclusion ) - read it No. 40. Believing For Greater Things - read it No. 41. Revival and Holiness - read it No. 42. What is God saying to Britain at this time? - read it No. 43. Separation from the world - read it No. 44. The Chennai Prayer Conference May 2012 - read it No. 45. Overcoming Opposition in Prayer - read it No. 46. Report on visit to Outer Hebrides September - October 2012 - read it No. 47. The Asbury College Revival 1970 - read it No. 48. The Right Kind of Relevance - read it No. 49. The Charlotte Chapel, Edinburgh Revival 1905-1907 - read it No. 50. Romania 2013 - read it No. 51. Living in the Light of Eternity - read it No. 52. The Desperate Need For Revival - read it No. 53. The Need For Desperation in Prayer - read it No. 54. Contemporary Christian music (1) and the bearing it has on the coming of revival and awakening - read it No. 55. Contemporary Christian music (2) an Examination of the Words of Contemporary Christian songs, plus a deeper look at old fashioned hymns and songs - read it No. 56. Contemporary Christian Music: Guidelines and Recommendations - read it No. 57. Singing only the Psalms, Music at the Dedication of the Temple and in Heaven - read it No. 58. God's Remedy for Today's Emergency(with acknowledgments to W.C. Moore, Rich Carmichael and J.C. Ryle - read it No. 59. Understanding and Overcoming Opposition to Prayer (with acknowledgments to Richard Owen Roberts, F.J. Perryman, Ralph Carmicheal and W.C. Moore) - read it No. 60. The Moravian Revival of 1727 (1) - read it No. 61. The Moravian Revival of 1727 (2) - read it No. 62. The Moravian Revival of 1727 (3) - read it No. 63. How Praying Men and Women Can Turn the Tide - read it No. 64. The European Union Referendum - read it No. 65. Further Thoughts on the EU Referendum - read it No. 66. The Camp Meetings Revival (1) - read it No. 67. The Camp Meetings Revival (2) - read it No. 68. The Camp Meetings Revival (3) - read it No. 69. The Camp Meetings Revival (4) - read it General
Why we haven’t seen large scale revival in Britain for 100 years - read it The God pleasing church - read it